Monday, 12 August 2013

Mackenzie's Speech (Animal Cruelty)

Animal Abuse Speech

Last Year Kimmy the Dog was found wandering around Port Hills, Christchurch. Her mouth had been taped, She also had been hit so hard her eye had fallen out!!! She looked nothing but a skeleton with fur. A Vet describes her condition the WORST he had seen in Twenty Years!!!!!!!!

My Speech is on Animal Cruelty 

By Mackenzie

Natalya's speech

Why The Driving Age Should Be Raised To 18

First thing Sunday morning you go outside to get the mail and you open up the news paper and on the first page it says high school student killed instantly in a car accident. You think to yourself what a waste of a life. I truly believe that the driving age should be raised to 18.  

By Natalya

Izzy's opening speech para 

There are lots of different types of bullying ,emotional bullying, physical bullying , cyber bullying and lots of other little things that may not seem to be bullying but really all add up to be one of these. Cyber bullying is a really strong way of bullying and it's used through modern technology like cell phones. Did you know that over 80% of teens have a cell phone and use it regularly and probably more teens have a Facebook account, twitter account, tumbler account and the worst of all ?             
Mitchell's speech opening

Why boarding school is a good idea ???

Imagine being away from your parents and being with your mates 24/7. Imagine not having your parents tell you what to do for 40 weeks of the year. I believe that going to boarding school will be the best and most valuable time of your life that is why today I am going to talk to you about why boarding school is a good idea.



Clevedon school should all experience having to raise a animal for Ag day Why because they are really funny, comical and entertaining animals. I've had lambs over the past 7 years.My last few lambs were really funny because they would do stupid things like my last year's lamb would jump on top of its kennel and guard it from you but if you go too close she would bunt you.

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Matt's Speech Opening

Matt's speech introduction 

Imagine waking up in the morning and not having to worry about getting organised to travel to school, because your school is located in your home. Your class could be in the dining room, office, lounge, back lawn, swimming pool or even the toilet!!!  You could be relieving  yourself  and completing your maths at the same time. That’s time management skills. Does your school teacher allow you to do this activity while doing maths? I don’t think so

Connor's Speech Introduction

Connor's Speech Introduction

Would you like living in a damp, cold, moldy home in the middle of winter.  I don’t think so.I strongly believe that there should be something done about New Zealand poverty. Why should poor innocent, helpless, kids have to live in an unhealthy environment as it effects the child's health? Surely there should be something done about it. I am concerned about diseases in New Zealand like rhematic fever that haven't been seen in Europe for 50 to 100 years and it is now being seen in NZ.